Does anyone know why the C#/.NET DI Container thinks my dependency is Scoped when declared as a Singleton?
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Does anyone know why the C#/.NET DI Container thinks my dependency is Scoped when declared as a Singleton?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your C#/.NET Dependency Injection (DI) container insists that your Singleton-registered dependency is Scoped? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has puzzled many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll delve into the mysteries of the .NET DI container and uncover the reasons behind this anomaly.

Understanding the C#/.NET DI Container

The .NET Dependency Injection (DI) container is a built-in framework that helps manage the lifetime of objects and their dependencies in a .NET application. It provides a way to register and resolve instances of classes, making it easier to write loosely coupled, testable, and maintainable code.

In a .NET application, you can register dependencies in the DI container using one of three lifetimes:

  • Singleton: A single instance is created and shared across the application.
  • Scoped: A new instance is created for each scope (e.g., a web request).
  • Transient: A new instance is created every time it’s requested.

The Mysterious Case of the Scoped Singleton

So, why does the .NET DI container think your Singleton-registered dependency is Scoped? Let’s explore some possible reasons:

Reason 1: Misconfigured Registration

Double-check your registration code. Make sure you’re not accidentally registering your Singleton as a Scoped service.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<MySingleton>(); // Correct
    services.AddScoped<MySingleton>(); // Incorrect!

If you’re using a third-party library or framework, review their documentation to ensure you’re configuring the DI container correctly.

Reason 2: Inheritance and Generic Types

When registering generic types, be mindful of inheritance. If your Singleton implementation inherits from a base class or interface that’s registered as Scoped, the container might get confused.

public interface IMyBase { }
public class MyBase : IMyBase { }
public class MySingleton : MyBase, IMySingleton
    public MySingleton(IMyDependency dependency) { }

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddScoped<IMyBase, MyBase>(); // Uh-oh!
    services.AddSingleton<IMySingleton, MySingleton>(); // Singleton, but...

In this example, `MySingleton` inherits from `MyBase`, which is registered as Scoped. This can lead to the .NET DI container treating `MySingleton` as Scoped as well.

Reason 3: External Dependencies and Captive Dependencies

Captive dependencies can cause issues when registering Singletons. A captive dependency is a dependency that’s not registered in the DI container, but is required by a registered service.

public class MySingleton
    public MySingleton(IMyDependency dependency) { }

public class MyDependency
    public MyDependency(IExternalDependency externalDependency) { }

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IMySingleton, MySingleton>(); // Singleton
    // But what about IExternalDependency?

In this scenario, `MyDependency` has a captive dependency on `IExternalDependency`, which might not be registered in the DI container. This can cause the container to treat `MySingleton` as Scoped instead of Singleton.

Reason 4: ASP.NET Core Middleware and Scoped Services

In ASP.NET Core, middleware can affect the lifetime of services. If you’re using a middleware that scopes services, it can override the Singleton registration.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseMiddleware<MyMiddleware>(); // Scoped middleware
    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

public class MyMiddleware
    public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IMySingleton singleton) { }

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IMySingleton, MySingleton>(); // Singleton, but...

In this example, the `MyMiddleware` middleware is scoped, which can cause the `MySingleton` instance to be created and disposed of for each request, effectively making it Scoped instead of Singleton.

Solution and Best Practices

Now that we’ve explored the possible reasons behind the mysterious case of the Scoped Singleton, let’s discuss some solutions and best practices:

Solution 1: Verify Registration and Inheritance

Double-check your registration code and ensure that you’re not accidentally registering your Singleton as a Scoped service. Also, review your inheritance hierarchy to avoid conflicts.

Solution 2: Register Captive Dependencies

Make sure to register all captive dependencies in the DI container. This ensures that the container has a complete picture of your application’s dependency graph.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IExternalDependency, ExternalDependency>();
    services.AddSingleton<IMySingleton, MySingleton>(); // Now it's a true Singleton!

Solution 3: Avoid Scoped Middleware for Singletons

When using middleware, be mindful of the service lifetime. Avoid using scoped middleware with Singleton services, as it can lead to unexpected behavior.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseMiddleware<MyMiddleware>(app.ApplicationServices.GetService<IMySingleton>()); // Pass the Singleton instance
    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

Best Practice: Use a Consistent Service Lifetime

Establish a consistent service lifetime across your application. If you’re using a Singleton, ensure that all its dependencies are also Singletons or Transient. This helps avoid conflicts and makes your application easier to maintain.

Service Lifetime Dependencies
Singleton Singleton, Transient
Scoped Scoped, Transient
Transient Transient


Mystery solved! We’ve explored the possible reasons behind the .NET DI container treating a Singleton-registered dependency as Scoped. By understanding the underlying causes and applying the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create a more predictable and maintainable .NET application. Remember to verify your registration code, register captive dependencies, and avoid scoped middleware for Singletons. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Struggling to understand why your C#/.NET DI Container is playing tricks on you? Well, you’re not alone! Here are some common questions and answers to help you out.

Why does my dependency, declared as a singleton, get scoped by the C#/.NET DI Container?

Hey, it’s not you, it’s the container! When you register a singleton instance in the DI container, it’s only a singleton within that specific scope. If you’re using a scoped service, the singleton instance will be scoped as well. So, it’s not actually a singleton anymore – gotcha!

But I’ve double-checked my code, and I’m sure I registered it as a singleton. What else could be causing this?

Patience, young padawan! There might be another service in your application that’s referencing your singleton service, and that service is scoped. This can cause a chain reaction, making your singleton service scoped as well. Investigate your service dependencies to find the culprit!

Is it possible that I’ve accidentally injected a scoped service into my singleton service?

Facepalm moment! Yes, it’s possible. If your singleton service has a constructor parameter that’s a scoped service, it will be scoped as well. Review your services’ constructor dependencies to avoid this common mistake!

I’ve checked everything, and I’m still stumped. How can I debug this issue?

Debugging time! Enable diagnostics on your DI container to get more information about the service registrations and their scopes. You can also use tools like the .NET Container Debug Viewer or the Autofac Diagnostic Tracing to help you identify the issue.

Are there any best practices to avoid these issues in the future?

Wisdom earned! Yes, there are! Follow the principle of least knowledge when designing your services. Keep your services loosely coupled, and avoid dependencies between services with different lifetimes. Also, make sure to test your services with different scopes to catch any potential issues early on.