Unraveling the Mystery: How BigQuery Avoids Full-Scan of an Unpartitioned Column
Image by Delray - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: How BigQuery Avoids Full-Scan of an Unpartitioned Column

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Are you tired of dealing with slow query performances and exorbitant costs in BigQuery? One of the primary culprits behind this issue is the full-scan of unpartitioned columns. But fear not, dear data enthusiasts! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of BigQuery optimization and explore the secrets behind avoiding full-scans of unpartitioned columns.

What is a Full-Scan, and Why is it a Problem?

A full-scan occurs when BigQuery needs to read the entire table to retrieve the required data. This can be a costly and time-consuming operation, especially when dealing with large datasets. When a column is unpartitioned, BigQuery has to scan the entire table to retrieve the necessary data, leading to:

  • Increased query latency
  • Higher costs due to excessive data processing
  • Redundant data scanning, leading to wasted resources

The Power of Partitioning: Why it Matters

Partitioning is the process of dividing a table into smaller, more manageable segments based on a specific column. By partitioning a column, BigQuery can efficiently skip irrelevant data and focus on the required segments, reducing the need for full-scans.

But what happens when a column is unpartitioned? That’s where things get interesting.

How BigQuery Avoids Full-Scans of Unpartitioned Columns

BigQuery employs several strategies to minimize full-scans of unpartitioned columns. Let’s explore these optimizations in detail:

1. Statistics-Based Optimization

BigQuery maintains statistics about each column, including the minimum and maximum values, number of unique values, and data distribution. When you query an unpartitioned column, BigQuery uses these statistics to estimate the number of rows that match the filter conditions.

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn = 'specific_value';

In this example, BigQuery uses the statistics to determine if the filter condition is selective (i.e., matches a small percentage of rows) or non-selective (i.e., matches a large percentage of rows). If the filter is selective, BigQuery can efficiently prune the unnecessary data, reducing the need for a full-scan.

2. Dynamic Parsing and Rewrite

When you submit a query, BigQuery dynamically parses and rewrites it to optimize performance. This process involves analyzing the query syntax, identifying opportunities for optimization, and rewriting the query to take advantage of them.

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3');

In this example, BigQuery might rewrite the query to use an IN-list optimization, which allows it to efficiently skip irrelevant data and avoid a full-scan.

3. Column Pruning

Column pruning is a technique used by BigQuery to eliminate unnecessary columns from the query. When you query an unpartitioned column, BigQuery analyzes the query plan to determine which columns are required to satisfy the filter conditions.

SELECT mycolumn1, mycolumn2 FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn1 = 'specific_value';

In this example, BigQuery can prune the unnecessary columns (mycolumn2) from the query, reducing the amount of data that needs to be read and processed.

4. Subqueries and Semi-Join Optimization

BigQuery can optimize subqueries and semi-joins to reduce the need for full-scans. When you use a subquery or semi-join, BigQuery can push the filter conditions down to the inner query, allowing it to efficiently prune unnecessary data.

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn IN (SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable WHERE other_column = 'specific_value');

In this example, BigQuery can push the filter condition down to the inner query, reducing the number of rows that need to be processed and minimizing the need for a full-scan.

5. Caching and Materialized Views

BigQuery uses caching and materialized views to store intermediate results of frequent queries. This allows it to quickly retrieve the required data, reducing the need for full-scans.

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn = 'specific_value';

In this example, BigQuery can store the result of the materialized view and quickly retrieve it when the same query is executed, eliminating the need for a full-scan.

Best Practices for Avoiding Full-Scans

Avoiding full-scans of unpartitioned columns requires a combination of good data design, query optimization, and clever use of BigQuery features. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Partition your data: Partitioning your data by a relevant column can significantly reduce the need for full-scans.
  2. Use efficient data types: Choose data types that are optimized for query performance, such as INT64 for integer columns.
  3. Optimize your queries: Use query optimization techniques, such as rewriting queries to use more efficient syntax.
  4. Use caching and materialized views: Implement caching and materialized views to store intermediate results and reduce the need for full-scans.
  5. Monitor and analyze query performance: Use BigQuery’s built-in monitoring and analytics tools to identify and optimize slow-performing queries.


Avoiding full-scans of unpartitioned columns is crucial for achieving optimal performance and cost-effectiveness in BigQuery. By understanding how BigQuery optimizes queries and employing best practices, you can significantly reduce the need for full-scans and unlock the full potential of your data.

Strategy Description
Statistics-Based Optimization BigQuery uses statistics to estimate the number of rows that match the filter conditions and prunes unnecessary data.
Dynamic Parsing and Rewrite BigQuery rewrites queries to optimize performance, including using IN-list optimization and column pruning.
Column Pruning BigQuery eliminates unnecessary columns from the query to reduce data processing.
Subqueries and Semi-Join Optimization BigQuery optimizes subqueries and semi-joins to reduce the need for full-scans.
Caching and Materialized Views BigQuery stores intermediate results of frequent queries to quickly retrieve required data.

By implementing these strategies and best practices, you can take control of your BigQuery performance and costs, unlocking the full potential of your data.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the amazing world of BigQuery optimization!

How does BigQuery avoid full-scans of unpartitioned columns?

BigQuery uses various techniques to minimize full-scans, including row-level filtering, predicate pushdown, and subquery optimization. These techniques enable the query engine to eliminate unnecessary data processing, reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned.

What is predicate pushdown, and how does it help optimize queries?

Predicate pushdown is a query optimization technique that involves applying filters to the data as early as possible in the query execution process. By pushing predicates down to the storage layer, BigQuery can eliminate unnecessary data processing, reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned and improving query performance.

How does row-level filtering help optimize queries in BigQuery?

Row-level filtering is a technique used by BigQuery to apply filters to individual rows of data, rather than entire columns or tables. This allows the query engine to skip over rows that don’t match the filter criteria, reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed and improving query performance.

Can I further optimize my queries by using column optimization techniques?

Yes! Column optimization techniques, such as selecting only the columns needed for the query, can help reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed and improve query performance. BigQuery also supports column-level filtering and column pruning, which can further optimize query execution.

Are there any best practices for writing optimized queries in BigQuery?

Yes! Following best practices such as using efficient data types, avoiding SELECT \*, and using optimized data structures like arrays and structs can help improve query performance. Additionally, using the BigQuery query optimizer and monitoring query performance can help identify areas for optimization.

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